People at an interview

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50 Questions To Ask Your Character

To write a character well you’ll need to know everything that there is to know about said character, even before you start writing your first scene. Alongside your character’s general physical description, you’ll need to know their beliefs, values, desires, secrets, psychological state, personal relationships, etc.

You’ll need to know your character so well that you can predict exactly how this character might react in any given situation. This will significantly improve your plot by helping you to develop more realistic characters.

  1. What Is your name? This should include your first name, middle name, surname, and any pet names if applicable.
  2. Does your name have a significant meaning?
  3. What is your gender?
  4. What is your race?
  5. What is your nationality?
  6. What complexion do you have?
  7. What is your height and weight?
  8. What is the shape of your head and face?
  9. Describe your eyes.
  10. Describe your nose, mouth, and ears.
  11. Describe your hair.
  12. Describe your voice and accent.
  13. What is unique about your physical appearance, do you have any scars or tattoos?
  14. What do people notice the most the first time they see you?
  15. How would you describe yourself physically, psychologically, and mentally? What are some of the things that you struggle with and what are some of the things that you don’t like about yourself? What are the things that you love most about yourself? Are you an honest person? Are you honest with yourself?
  16. When is your birthday?
  17. Who are your parents? What is their background like and what is important to them? How do they Influence your life? How would they describe you?
  18. What is your ethnic background?
  19. Do you have any siblings, and if so, where are they now, and what is your relationship with them like? How would each of them describe you?
  20. Outside of your immediate family are there any other family members that you are close to?
  21. How would you describe your family structure growing up, and how does it influence or affect the family life you have now or the one you aspire to have?
  22. Who is your most important relationship?
  23. What was your economic or social status as a child, and if you are an adult, how does it compare to where you are now?
  24. What are the things that you value the most in life?
  25. What are the things that you fear the most in life?
  26. What are your goals in life, and what is your plan to achieve them?
  27. What are your talents and interests?
  28. What are your thoughts on (or favorite) music, food, movies, sports, books, and any recreational activities that matter to you?
  29. What hobbies or activities do you enjoy doing?
  30. Would you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist?
  31. Think of a time that you have experienced the greatest sadness in your life, what was the reason?
  32. Think of a time that you have experienced the greatest happiness in your life, what was the reason?
  33. What Is your relationship with God like?
  34. What Is your greatest Achievement to date?
  35. What drives or motivates you?
  36. Do you have any secrets?
  37. What is the most traumatic event in your life?
  38. What are your Idiosyncrasies?
  39. Where are the different places that you have lived throughout your life?
  40. Have you ever been employed, and if so, what was the experience and your salary like and how long did you work a specific role?
  41. Do you have friends? How would they describe you? How old are these friendships and do you value them?
  42. Do you have enemies? How would they describe you? How did they come about?
  43. What is your relationship status and how do you feel about it?
  44. Have you had romantic relationships in the past and what were they like?
  45. How would your current partner describe you and your relationship?
  46. Do you have children? Do you like or want children?
  47. What Is your dearest possession?
  48. What is your opinion on politics?
  49. How do you want to be seen by others?
  50. What words do you overuse?

Final Thoughts

This list is by no means exhaustive, but it is certainly extensive and will add real value to your story development. A few of the questions are short and straightforward, but the majority of the questions require you to think deeply about who the character is and how said character perceives the world.

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