About Us

This blog aims to be a resource for creative writers. So, if you are an existing author or want to become one soon, there is something at Creative Writing Oasis for you. You can look forward to one new post each Sunday, Wednesday, and every other Friday. On a Sunday you’ll see an article on creative writing, on Wednesdays, you’ll see an article on grammar, and every other Friday you’ll see a book review.

As a creative writer, you should know how to create compelling plots that will captivate your readers. You should also know how to structure your subjects and verbs so that your readers have an enjoyable reading experience. This blog will give you the tools you need to do both.

To become great at your craft you’ll need to study other craft people that have mastered said craft. This is what I aim to do with the book reviews. Each book that I review might not be a best-seller, but it will be a book that I would give three or more stars.

Unfortunately, I won’t be reviewing books that I would give less than three stars, simply because if I didn’t enjoy reading a book, I certainly won’t enjoy reviewing it (and I tend to not finish books that I don’t enjoy reading). The fact that I am reviewing a book means that I am also recommending it. So, if you find that we have similar tastes, you’ll either love or like the books that I review.